If Each Before His Own Door Swept…

…..the village would be clean. This saying has been reverberating in my heart and mind all afternoon.  I can see my little girl self with my braids and plaid skirt looking up at a picture hanging on my grandparents wall in the entry.  The little scene was of a woman. Sweeping her doorstep in the cutest little village. At the bottom of the painting was the inscription…

If each before their own door swept the village would be clean.

Our little patch of dirt. That little doorstep. That’s our responsibility. No need to tsk tsk the neighbours garbage that may be piled up. Most signs of neglect come because someone is sick. Overwhelmed. Sad. Hopeless.

So let’s look after our little patch of dirt. If your neighbour’s step is in a little need of love, take your small straw broom and sweep your neighbours step. Don’t complain to the other neighbours. Don’t draw attention to others lack. Just silently and gently sweep the dirt away.

Thanks to all those who have swept my step when I couldn’t .

Sometimes it takes a village.

I love you






One thought on “If Each Before His Own Door Swept…

  1. This iconic picture now hangs on my front entry wall. It’s a favourite of myself and most of the family. This was our Mother’s choice admonition when I was growing up. I love that you apprecte and value it too. It’s like the Golden Rule isn’t it. Oxox


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